Fleeing Vesuvius chapters
A three-step emergency plan for Ireland
by Richard Douthwaite, from Fleeing Vesuvius. This plan for bringing Ireland out of its current financial crisis brings together many of the ideas described in the book. It suggests two ways of introducing debt-free money into the economy. It then explains how the financial system could be restructured by means of new banking regulation and the use of equity partnerships, and finally it advocates a move towards energy independence in Ireland.
Preface to Fleeing Vesuvius by Eamon Ryan (Irish edition)
Introduction to Fleeing Vesuvius: Where we went wrong
Contributors to Fleeing Vesuvius
Biographical information about the 27 contributors to Fleeing Vesuvius.
Patrick Andrews qualified as a solicitor in 1988 and spent many years working in the UK and abroad for large corporations, specialising in cross-border transactions. In 2002 he left the corporate world, driven by a concern about its impact on society and the planet. He now teaches and writes about alternatives to conventional ownership and governance structures, and works with business leaders devising new ways of organising. He helped develop a radical financial and governance structure for Riversimple LLP. He lives in the New Forest in England with his wife …