Smart Taxes Network Events

The purpose of the Smart Taxes project is to develop policy options to reform fiscal and other financial and monetary mechanisms in Ireland to deliver environmental, social and economic sustainability. See for more information .

“The Fair Tax” launch party

“The Fair Tax” was launched by Smart Taxes in Buswells hotel yesterday. Fr Sean Healy introduced the book with a call for general tax reform. He pointed out that Social Justice Ireland has always been a supporter of land value tax. A proposal for a land value tax to fund a citizens income has been floated in a recent European conference held on social justice issues, with which he heartily agrees. He commended the book using the words of economist Colm McCarthy in the preface.

National strategies for dealing with Ireland’s debt crisis: exploring the options – September 22-23 2011

Feasta’s Autumn conference examined measures that this country could adopt to secure its economic future which would not leave it reliant on external factors largely outside of its control. Scenarios explored included the potential collapse of the eurozone. The conference featured prominent international and Irish economists and was aimed at economists, politicians, policy-makers, business people, social partners, and other key decision-makers. Conference videos Conference programme (pdf)

Lessons from the Crisis: Money, Taxes and Saving in a Changing World – May 9th 2011

A day-long conference organised by the Smart Taxes Network and TASC, which will showcase an alternative set of economic policies that aims to recover economic control, staunch the loss of jobs and emigration and create a secure future for young and old in Ireland. Featuring international and national speakers from the cutting edge of progressive and sustainable economic fields.

Recovery Stability and Growth: Unveiling a New and Just Taxation Policy for the Benefit of All

Public Talk and Panel Discussion

Date and Time: Tues 9th March 2010, 7:30 pm

Venue: Robert Emmet Theatre (Nassau St. entrance), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

€10 (at door)

Dr. Constantin Gurdgiev

Fred Harrison

March 2008. at our first Trinity lecture, Fred Harrison clearly predicted a rapidly approaching bank and property crisis.

April 2009. at our second Trinity lecture, Harrison outlined a policy which would prevent future Boom-Bust disasters.

November 2009. Site Value Tax policy becomes part of government policy.

March 2010. At this third Trinity lecture, Fred Harrison, Dr Constantin Gurdgiev and a panel of experts set out …