
Submission to Public Consultation on Development of Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas

This submission was made by Feasta on March 6 to the Irish Department of Agriculture regarding "Sustainable Food Production and Processing" and "Food for Health". It describes 10 high level goals that we believe can and should be progressed. It goes on to outline the proposed research that would further these goals, and to explain what the expected results would be and how they could be measured.

From Our Archives: The Problem with Economic Growth

This article, written by Richard Douthwaite in May 1997, outlines some of the basic ideas that led to the founding of Feasta. It's interesting to note how ahead of his time he was in his criticisms of growth as a measure of progress, many of which are now quite well known. Sadly, the widening inequality he describes and the many problems related to that have only worsened over time.