Seminars by Feasta members

The Economics of Happiness – film screening followed by discussion

Cultivate, in association with FEASTA, Grow It Yourself, Transition Towns Ireland and Northern Ireland, Slow Food Ireland, Happenings, Green Works and the International Society for Ecology and Culture are presenting a special Dublin screening of The Economics of Happiness. [...]

Cap and Share Meeting

Birmingham, Thursday 15th July 2010, 1.30 – 5.00pm.

A Cap and Share UK meeting took place at Birmingham Voluntary Service Council Conference Centre (Address 138 Digbeth, Birmingham B5 6DR, tel. 0121 643 4343, or see

Meeting Agenda:

(1) Developments since the last meeting in Winchester – including the UNEP, Ireland, ZCB 2030, discussions with colleagues in the USA and Germany (commons’ alliances), the upcoming Cap and Share video.

(2) Finance Report

(3) Upcoming Cap and Share Book, with short presentations from on content from the co-authors on the themes of the book. (See below for more details.)

(4) …

Designing Financial Institutions for a Shrinking Economy – Richard Douthwaite

This event forms part of the day-long seminar “Investing in Ourselves: Realising Jobs and Capital for Communities”.

Date and Time: 10.00 – 16.00 on Tues 1st June 2010. (€30)

Venue: St Kieran’s Hall, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary

More information (please scroll down to end of page to find this event)