Events organised by Feasta

Community Learning Toolkit

Feasta’s learning ‘toolkit’, an exploration into the root causes of unsustainability and potential solutions, was presented in a 10 week course starting in the Cultivate Centre on Tuesday the 22nd of February. Richard Douthwaite wrote the study guide for the resource which was designed to focus the learners’ thoughts and Cultivate’s Davie Philip facilitated the 10 evenings.

FEASTA’s ‘toolkit’ is being used by other local groups and circles of friends around the country. The ‘toolkit’ contains books, readings, videos and audio recordings designed to provide the materials to enable a group of learners to explore the issues further. If you …

2004 Feasta Annual Lecture: “Resource Wars – or a Fair Future?” – Wolfgang Sachs

Date: 18 November 2004
Venue: Swift Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

As a Senior Fellow at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Energy, Environment, in Germany, Sachs leads a variety of projects on globalisation, sustainability and world trade. His talk surveyed resource conflicts around the world from the twin perspectives of fairness and justice.…

Debt, Climate and Global Justice: April 2004 conference

A conference jointly organised by Feasta and the Debt and Development Coalition Ireland on the links between climate change, the debt crisis and global inequity

Held in association with the New Economics Foundation, Jubilee Research, the Global Commons Institute, Friends of the Irish Environment and GRIAN, the Irish arm of the Climate Action Network. With contributions via a live video link from a simultaneous conference on the same topics in South Africa.…

FEASTA Presentation: Before The Wells Run Dry – Richard Douthwaite and Michael Layden

Date: December 12 2003
Ireland’s economy is heavily dependent on fossil fuels imported fromelsewhere. With a peak in production of oil and gas predicted in the coming decades, and the need to tackle the issue of climate change becoming more apparent, Ireland needs to quickly move towards renewable energy. That raises two big questions: how, and how fast, can that be done? This presentation by Richard Douthwaite and Michael Layden from FEASTA explored Ireland’s transition to renewable energy.…

2003 Feasta Annual Lecture: Designing a Truly Democratic Economy – Marjorie Kelly

Date: 3-4 November 2003
Venue: Dublin and Belfast
Kelly, a US ethical business advocate, spoke on how the rights of shareholders in contemporary companies are similar in many respects to those enjoyed by the aristocracy of feudal regimes. Kelly is the author of Divine Right of Capital – Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy and the editor/co-founder of Business Ethics, a US publication on corporate social responsibility.…