Fred Harrison

Recovery Stability and Growth: Unveiling a New and Just Taxation Policy for the Benefit of All

Public Talk and Panel Discussion

Date and Time: Tues 9th March 2010, 7:30 pm

Venue: Robert Emmet Theatre (Nassau St. entrance), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

€10 (at door)

Dr. Constantin Gurdgiev

Fred Harrison

March 2008. at our first Trinity lecture, Fred Harrison clearly predicted a rapidly approaching bank and property crisis.

April 2009. at our second Trinity lecture, Harrison outlined a policy which would prevent future Boom-Bust disasters.

November 2009. Site Value Tax policy becomes part of government policy.

March 2010. At this third Trinity lecture, Fred Harrison, Dr Constantin Gurdgiev and a panel of experts set out …

Land: The Claim of the Community: October 2003 conference

An international conference to explore initiatives in affordable housing, infrastructure provision and local government finance.

9th and 10th October 2003

This event was extremely timely: all levels of Irish government and society are beginning to address the core issues of land ownership, review initiatives abroad and suggest workable mechanisms to deliver social cohesion and sustainable development in Ireland.

About the Organisers
Transcripts of lectures


The problem in Ireland
Symptoms and causes. The unsustainable costs of home ownership. Homelessness and the pressures on tenants in the private rented sector. Difficulties of acquiring land for social housing. The rural …