climate change

Hope in the Face of Disaster – Creating a sustainable, viable, future path for civilisation

This paper by John Sharry explores the many crises that civilisation and humanity will face over the coming decades some of which are already starting to have an impact. The paper proposes a central cause to these crises and particularly explores the widespread psychological inertia in the face of these vast problems. Some potential constructive choices that individuals, communities and nations could yet make are outlined.

Submission to Consultation on Heads of Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill

Small countries without significant vested interests dominating their relationship with others, such as Ireland, have a particular opportunity to contribute positively to the search for a resolution to climate change at an international/global level. In this submission, made on April 30 2013, we therefore urge the Irish government to follow up its recent UNEP study with further consideration of proposals and to explore all possibilities including those proposed in Sharing for Survival. We also urge the government to make use of scenario-based analyses when forming climate change policy.

Allan Savory: How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change

In 2009, Allan Savory of the Savory Institute was invited to Dublin to give the Feasta Annual Lecture. His work on transforming the way livestock is managed in order to reverse degradation of arid landscapes was seen as an essential tool in reversing climate change and desertification, and was included in the work of the Carbon Cycles and Sinks Network. The recording of his fascinating full presentation was put online, as well as a few extracts, in which he explains the details of the Holistic Management system.