Well-being resources

Non-governmental Organisations Working for Well-being

OECD Well-being Framework

Societal progress is about improvements in the well-being of people and households. Assessing such progress requires looking not only at the functioning of the economic system but also at the diverse experiences and living conditions of people. The OECD Framework for Measuring Well-Being and Progress shown below is based on the recommendations made in 2009 by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress to which the OECD contributed significantly. It also reflects earlier OECD work and various national initiatives in the field. This Framework is built around three distinct domains: material conditions, quality …

International collaborations for well-being

Wellbeing Economy Governments Group

Scotland established the Wellbeing Economy Governments Group with Iceland and New Zealand in 2018 to collaborate in pursuit of new ways to improve wellbeing.  The Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo) is a collaboration of national and regional governments promoting sharing of expertise and transferrable policy practices. The aims are to deepen their understanding and advance their shared ambition of building wellbeing economies. WEGo, which currently comprises Scotland, New Zealand, Iceland, and Wales, is founded on the recognition that ‘development’ in the 21st century entails delivering human and ecological wellbeing.

Nicola Sturgeon’s TED Talk on WeGo
Scotland’s …

Well-being in Germany

Germany’s “Wellbeing in Germany – what matters to us” initiative is designed to provide a benchmark for effective policymaking.  To find out how people define “wellbeing”, the government initiated an extensive national dialogue in 2015.  This revealed that people have a very broad and diverse view of what constitutes wellbeing.  This was integrated with the findings of other national and international research projects and discussions, to select 12 dimensions and 46 indicators for the current status and trends in wellbeing in Germany. 


The indicator system  (last update: March 2020) shows the current situation and long-term trends in wellbeing …

Well-being in Scotland

The National Performance Framework (NPF) provides a clear vision for Scotland with broad measures of national wellbeing covering a range of economic, health, social and environmental indicators and targets.

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015

The Act requires that the government will focus on achieving goals that improve the wellbeing and quality of life of the people of Scotland.  It requires a vision for Scotland to be developed in consultation with the people of Scotland and progress towards this to be measured.  Specifically, the Act places a duty on the Scottish Ministers to consult on, develop and publish a set of …

Well-being in Ireland

Research has been carried out previously in Ireland concerning well-being, including the NESC report– “Well-being Matters: A Social Report for Ireland”. This report identifies people as being at the centre of economic and social progress, and highlights the limitations of GDP as a measure of society. Members of the Whitaker Institute in the National University of Ireland, Galway, have also carried out much work on the development of a set of societal well-being indicators for Ireland.

In 2018 the CSO published The Wellbeing of the Nation.  This new publication, with over 30 indicators across eight areas of society, attempts …