Cultivating Liveable Communities

An introduction to Resilience and Permaculture. Tuesday 12 February 2013 | 19.30 - 21.30 | Central Hotel, Exchequer St | €10 Pay Now / Free to Cultivate Members A presentation and facilitated discussion hosted by Davie Philip of Cultivate and Cloughjordan Ecovillage. This evening session will explore how we strengthen our communities to be more healthy and sustainable backed by local economies that are stronger and more resilient.

A Permaculture Taster

Hosted by Davie Philip of Cultivate and Bruce Darrell of Feasta, both based at Cloughjordan Ecovillage. A one-day introductory workshop this coming Saturday 9th February 2013, 10.00 - 16.30. Using an active learning approach this workshop will give an introduction to permaculture design principles and outline how they can be applied to your own life and work.