Mike Sandler has made another post in the Huffington Post on different kinds of money and their relationship to sustainability. He draws on the work of Richard Douthwaite and Graham Barnes among others.…
Comment on Panel: Biochar by James Bruges by Patrick Noble
Blimey James - Sorry to continue the correspondence and please end it if you feel so, but this is important. Life is variable as the quality and quantity of the dust which revives it. The mineralsation of complex proteins into the simple elements required for plant growth is a function of a complexity of life. The whole art of husbandry is regulation of the speed of that process. Return too much fertility to a field and we increase crop yield by diminishing that of a neighbouring field.
Comment on Panel: Biochar by James Bruges by James Bruges
Not really. It's called entropy. The process that reduces complex life to dust. It happens all the time, not just by fire or pyrolysis. 'The total mass of bio' is not constant, it continually increases and decreases. By growing biomass in desert sand entropy is reversed.