Curing the Climate: It’s not just about cutting fossil fuels, you know

An evening of presentations and discussion, chaired by Molly Walsh of Friends of the Earth.

The international effort to prevent catastrophic climate change has concentrated on carbon dioxide reductions and other possible part-solutions such as reducing black carbon have been ignored. Richard Douthwaite of Feasta presented the case for a more diversified approach to the climate crisis and, in a second presentation, Corinna Byrne of the Carbon Cycles and Sinks Network set out ways in which changes in the way the land is used can remove some of the carbon already in the air.…

Allan Savory wins the Buckminster Fuller award

We are delighted to learn that the Africa Centre for Holistic Management and Allan Savory have won the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Award. Allan Savory was our Feasta lecturer for 2009, and Feasta was interviewed at length about the value of Mr. Savory’s work before the award was announced. His lecture, “Keeping Cattle: Cause or Cure for Climate Crisis?” summarises his ideas about using livestock to restore degraded land and address climate change. You can find out more about Mr Savory’s work at the Savory Institute website. …

Feasta is moving

As of Monday June 7th 2010 the Feasta office will be based in Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary. Our postal address will be Feasta Ltd, Main St, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
Our existing phone line will be forwarded until we get a new one up and running.

Cloughjordan has a vibrant and active community and we look forward to building strong relationships and sharing resources and experiences there. We will be sharing an office with Mendes Go Car, a sustainable transport consultancy, and in the same building as Cultivate’s Cloughjordan branch and the North Tipperary Enterprise Park (which is in the …

On the Money: A 5-day workshop on tools for the design of community currencies

organised by Findhorn College

The way that money works today is one of the great invisible (to most) drivers of our rapacious earth – and community-devouring economy. So much so that Richard Douthwaite has said:

“If people living in an area cannot trade among themselves without using money issued by outsiders, their local economy will always be at the mercy of events elsewhere. The first step is for any community aiming to become more self-reliant is therefore to establish its own currency system”.

It is with this very much in mind that Findhorn College has created a 5-day course …

New articles about the Liquidity Network and debt-free currency

The Liquidity Network group, which is developing a debt-free currency, submitted this entry to the Your Country, Your Call contest, which will award two €100,000 prizes later in the year. An article in the May issue of Construct Ireland magazine about the group’s plans is here.

You can also download a powerpoint file of a talk that Richard Douthwaite recently gave at the Degrowth conference in Barcelona here. …