Cap and Share to be analysed for Comhar

Comhar, the Irish National Sustainability Council, has contracted AEA Energy and Environment, a major British consultancy, to analyse Feasta’s Cap and Share concept as a tool to control Ireland’s road transport emissions. The policy analysis part of the report should be completed by the end of February and, if the verdict is favourable, another consultancy, Cambridge Econometrics, will be given a contract to use its E3ME model to explore the effects that this use of C&S would have on the Irish economy in comparison with using a carbon tax or fuel excise duty to achieve the same result. Both studies …

2007 Feasta Annual Lecture: Who Owns The Sky? – Peter Barnes

The 2007 speaker was successful US social entrepreneur and author Peter Barnes. Peter's work explores how a "cap and rebate" system is our best bet for an ethical and economic framework to stabilise the climate. His previous career has ranged from setting up one of the first solar energy companies in California to pioneering the use of charity credit cards and ethical phone services at

‘Bringing about Change’ – seminar with Peter Barnes and Mark Garavan

How can the political-economic regime be reformed to ensure that the environment and future generations are effectively represented? And what can we do to bring about the needed changes?

Feasta Seminar 13 November 2007, 11am-2pm

Venue : ENFO, 17 St. Andrew’s Street, Dublin 2.

Peter Barnes, author of Capitalism 3.0 and the 2007 Feasta lecturer

Mark Garavan, lecturer at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and author of A democracy for an ecological age in the Feasta Review issue ‘Growth the Celtic Cancer’

Introduced and moderated by Senator Deirdre de Burca

Format :

Peter and Mark summarised their main ideas. …

Feasta Annual General Meeting 2007

Date: 24 November 2007, 11.30am – 1pm
Venue: ENFO offices, 17 St. Andrew’s Street, Dublin 2.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Feasta Ltd
10A Lwr Camden St
Dublin 2
Company Registration No. 319430

The Feasta AGM 2007 will be held on
Saturday November 24th, 11.30am – 1pm
ENFO offices
17 St Andrews’ St
Dublin 2

Agenda :

1. Minutes of 2006 AGM

2. Adoption of 2006 Accounts

3. Financial update

4. Appointment of Auditor

5. Adoption of Budget 2007

6. Appointment of Directors

7. Annual Review

8. Any Other Business

Note : The “Annual Review” is designed to bring …