Frank Rotering: An Economics for Humanity

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Frank Rotering is a 54-year-old Canadian who lives near Vancouver and writes on economic issues. In this introduction he outlines his developing interest in economics and his attempt to formulate an economic theory for those concerned about humanity and nature.

An Economics for Humanity: PART 1 – THE MAIN ISSUES

This part deals with preliminary issues which lay the groundwork for a human-oriented economic theory.

An Economics for Humanity: PART 2 – A PRIMER ON ECONOMIC ANALYSIS

A primer on economic analysis, covering such important concepts as marginal quantities, optimization, value, and cost. This is intended for people with no background in the subject.

An Economics for Humanity: PART 3 – THE HUMAN FRAMEWORK

Presents the concepts required to define a humane economy. An
analytical tool is developed to determine the optimum quantity of a
final output.

An Economics for Humanity: PART 4 – THE ECOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK

Presents the concepts required to define a sustainable economy. The framework offers a simplified representation of nature and develops a method to address threshold effects. As well, it determines the ethical limits of the present generation’s economic activities.

Commentary on human economics by Douglas McCulloch

It might not be possible to base a new economics on maximising human health because health is actually quite hard to measure, says a professor of health economics. His verdict? Rotering’s ‘rather satisfying theoretical construction cannot work.’

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