Feasta administration

Feasta Annual Planning Meeting 2009

Agenda for Annual Planning Day 2009

Sat January 31st 2009 11am – 4.30pm

Chaired by Emer O’Siochru

11 – 11.45: Review of Feasta’s activities in the past year arising from 2008 Annual Planning Day minutes

  1. 1. Climate and Energy group activities, including attendance at COP, Poland
  2. Risk and Emergency preparation
  3. Taxation Reform
  4. Media / Publicity / Education
  5. Annual Lecture / conference
  6. Funding Strategy
  7. Publications

11.45 – 3.15 (including lunch) Feasta Project Presentations and discussion

  1. Carbon Sinks and Cycles
  2. Smart Taxes
  3. Social Partnership
  4. New Emergency Conference
  5. Cap and Share
  6. Liquidity Network and Responses to the financial crisis

3.15 Ideas for New …