Hello, I’m Morag and I look after Legacy Donations in Feasta. We’re honoured and delighted that our supporters are championing our work in helping to achieve an economy that enables human flourishing and wellbeing within a healthy and stable ecosystem, both in Ireland and around the world.
We are continuing in the trailblazing spirits of the late, renowned economist Richard Douthwaite and lawyer John Jopling, who were two of Feasta’s founders back in 1998. In the years since then, our donors have provided vital support for us to produce a substantial body of research and publications, to develop our partnerships and collaborations, and to organise and participate in a wide range of events.
If you would like more information about leaving a gift in your will to Feasta, please get in touch. Rest assured that you are under no obligation and your intentions can change at any time.
Phone: +353 (0)86 364 2728
Email: morag.friel@feasta.org
Download our Legacy Funding Brochure
By remembering us in your will in addition to your loved ones, you are helping to safeguard and improve their future by providing a stable basis for us to carry out our research and advocacy for a vibrant, commons-focussed, locally-oriented and stable global economy. Your gift will support our work in transforming our economic system towards sustainability in a way that will solve so many interconnected problems and leave a better world for future generations.
Your gift would be greatly appreciated and we would be honoured by your trust.
To leave us a legacy, you simply need to give your solicitor the following information:
Feasta Ltd
3 Bruach An Uisce
Co. Tipperary
E53 CF59
Revenue Charity number: CHY13052
Charities Regulatory Authority number: 20039615
The most usual gifts are:
A pecuniary legacy- a sum of money, which can be any amount that suits your circumstances.
A residuary gift- or a percentage of the value of your estate or the balance remaining after loved ones and expenses are provided for. It can be from 1% to 100% of your estate – whatever suits your own circumstances.
You can indicate in your will if you would like Feasta to distribute the funds towards a specific project.
If you would like more information, please call me at +353 (0)86 364 2728 for a confidential discussion, or email morag.friel@feasta.org and I will arrange an appropriate time to speak with you. Rest assured that you are under no obligation and your intentions can change at any time.