
Slideshow on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme from the UNSCD meeting

by Nicola Creighton

This year was a ‘review year’ at the 14th session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development in New York, but there was nonetheless an unstated core topic, both at the official and the side events: energy, with a recurrent focus on energy access for developing countries. FEASTA’s focus at CSD was on gaining support for a substantial review of the EU’s deeply flawed Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).…

Food security in an energy-scarce world: Conference Programme


Opening Lecture at the Davenport Hotel, Dublin (19:30 Wednesday, June 22nd)

An evening lecture by Richard Heinberg introduced ‘Peak Oil’ and the potential effects on societies, on economies and on the world’s food supply. This lecture was introduced by Richard Douthwaite and is open to a wider audience.

Three Day Conference at the Faculty of Agri-Food and the Environment, UCD

Session 1: Food Under Threat (Thursday Morning, June 23rd)

Session 2: Examining Our Food Supply Systems (Thursday Afternoon, June 23rd)

Session 3: Possible Solutions 1 (Friday Morning, June 24th)

Session 4: Possible Solutions 2 (Friday Afternoon, June 24th) …

Taming the Tiger

PDF version

Introduction to the Second Feasta Review by John Jopling
Why the growth tiger is unsustainable and what can be done about it.

ultrasound scanI have just been informed that my niece is pregnant: when born, her baby will be my parents’ first great-grandchild. I hope he or she will share my good fortune and live a healthy life in a secure and supportive society. But what are the prospects for this?

The prospects for any unborn child depend to a crucial extent on the economic system within which he or she lives. So, to broaden the question: does our

The Little Earth Show

Tuesday, January 27th, and the 3rd, 10th and 17th of February 2004

On January 27th at 9.00 pm Donegal’s Highland Radio broadcast the first of four radio shows produced by FEASTA titled ‘The Little Earth Show’ . The following three shows werebroadcast on February 2rd, 10th and 17th.

Produced for a youth audience, the Little Earth Show is a four-part radio drama with a difference based partly on the best selling ‘Little Earth Book’ by James Bruges. Each episode takes a topic and analyses the issues from a global and local perspective.

The style of the show is a …