
Response to ‘Sustainable Rural Housing; Consultation Draft of Guidelines for Planning Authorities’

May 2004

This submission critiques the current Irish Rural Housing Guidelines, arguing that their formation lacked proper participation and consultation; they are based on insufficient information; they over-emphasise dispersed housing to the detriment of other types of housing, in particular that of small settlements and villages; they fail to acknowledge important environmental and social factors such as peak oil and the fact that dispersed housing is more likely to be built and inhabited by the relatively well-off; and they introduce a discriminatory planning system based on the provenance and circumstances of the applicant. It suggests that a Rural Housing Commission …

FEASTA submission on Irish Renewable Energy Policy

Contribution to Consultation Process on Policy Goals – March 2004
Ireland’s renewable energy policy can only be developed intelligently if carried out within the framework of an overall energy policy. The latter, in turn, should only be shaped by people who have carefully examined the prospects for energy supplies from conventional sources for the next fifty years. (No shorter period can sensibly be taken in view of the fact that energy-using structures such as buildings, railways and roads built now will have a life of around that period and in some cases far beyond it. Some power infrastructure can also …

Submission on the Corrib Gas Application

To: Mr. Ian Douglas, Planning Office, Mayo County Council.
Re: Gas Terminal Planning Application, Bellanaboy, Co. Mayo.
Date: January 29th, 2004.

Dear Mr. Douglas,

The following is a brief submission by Feasta on the application by Shell E. and P. to construct a Gas Processing Plant at Bellanaboy Bridge, Co. Mayo. Feasta, The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, was established in 1998. It aims to explore and promote the characteristics – economic, cultural and environmental – that a society must have in order to be truly sustainable.…

Submission on Rural Housing To the Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Local Government

6th Nov 2003 , Emer O’Siochru

This submission makes a case for promoting small compact housing settlements rather than dispersed housing. It examines precedents for this development model in Ireland, arguing that most Irish villages and towns came into existence as a result of conscious planning. It suggests that the tax system be used to influence decisions about housing construction in favour of compact settlements, and that a ‘Participatory Budget’ system be introduced, following the example of Sao Paulo in Barzil, with the County Development Boards playing a strong role.

The full version can be downloaded as a PDF file

Submission to the All Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution Concerning Property Rights

12th June 2003

This is a submission from Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability on the issues of property rights within the Irish constitution.

Download the whole submission in pdf format (44K)

Executive Summary


Change to the Constitution re property rights is not legally necessary for social equity and sustainability. All the powers required reside in the current provisions — if broadly interpreted and fully and fairly utilised. A debate to reinforce important principles and dispel misunderstanding is more necessary that an amendment.

1. Sustainability is an important element of the ‘common good’.

An amendment to …