Book Reviews

Economics Unmasked : Review

Philip B. Smith & Manfred Max-Neef's Economics Unmasked leans more towards conspiracy than cock-up as it compellingly spells out the disastrous effects of the 'free' market on individuals, communities and the planet.

Can we change the world in the kitchen?: Review

In this review of the book Depletion and Abundance by Sharon Astyk, Dennis Lum outlines Asytk's suggestions for adjustment to a post-peak-oil future by means of re-valuing the informal economy, particularly those parts of it that are traditionally seen as women's work, together with locally-based industry and the cultivation of plants. He concludes that it is "a wise and thoughtful book filled with optimism and passion for a future that is anchored in realism if only we would embrace it".

Ben Whelan reviews Economics For The Common Good by Mark A. Lutz

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from individualistic to social economics

Economics for the Common Good

Mark A. Lutz
Routledge, London, 1998
ISBN: 0415143136, £18.99 in UK

What do Gandhi, Herman Daly and the author of Small is Beautiful, E.F. Schumacher, have in common? All three tried (or in Daly’s case, is trying) to move economic thought away from the dehumanised, mathematical, and amoral stance that has formed the basis of conventional economics since the Industrial Revolution. They are consequently qualified to be called social or humanistic economists, the terms now used to describe thinkers who place human – and …