An introduction to ecological economics

This essay forms part of a Nottingham University open source radical engineering course. It explains where economic growth comes from, rival understandings of it in economics and what problems it causes. It also introduces “ecological economics” which is a concept system that recognises these problems and seeks solutions to them within the bio-physical carrying capacity of the planet.

Note: this paper was updated in September 2015. The original version was published in April 2014.

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3 Replies to “An introduction to ecological economics”

  1. Hi Brian,

    Love Feasta’s work. This content seems to be very much in line with ‘Transition Engineering’ – a concept that is being explored by a rapidly growing group from across the globe, looking at how to “effectively manage the risks of un-sustainable resource use and environmental impacts by implementing changes and adaptations in existing engineered systems”.

    I’m also a graduate from Nottingham, and was wondering if you have a contact there and / or a link to the open source content you mention…

    Cheers, Nathan

  2. That’s because it’s Chapter 8 of a textbook with several authors. Apologies for the lack of clarity.

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