The Bank-State Bargain

Banks create money out of nothing when they extend loans and then charge borrowers interest on this newly created capital. The result is an ongoing multi-billion pound/ dollar subsidy breaking the basic rules of capitalism. What is perhaps even more surprising is that there appears to be no explicit description of the 'bargain' underlying this important arrangement. By Graham Barnes.

Live stream for second Climate Conversation

The second Climate Conversation with the subject ‘A New Economy’ is taking place tonight at 152-160 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. You can watch a live stream of it here:

Speakers for Session II include:

Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of International Trade Union Confederation
Gabriel Darcy, CEO Town of Monaghan Co-Op
Dr Rory O’Donnell, Director of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC)
Sean O’Driscoll, CEO Glen Dimplex
Robert Watt, secretary general, Department of Public Expenditure & Reform
Chair: Emma McNamara, RTE

More information

Climate Conversations

Feasta members Willi Kiefel and Seán Conlan have been involved in a unique collaboration between charities, unions and other organisations, with a goal of "promoting greater understanding of what a low carbon future might bring for Ireland "