You’ve Been Framed
IIEA seminar on resilience and nutrition: strengthening the links: Nov 17 at 12:45
This seminar, organised by the Institute of European and International Affairs in Dublin, will explore how the need to build resilience to economic, environmental and political shocks in the developing world is intrinsically connected to investment in nutrition and food security. Dr. Fan and other panelists will discuss the links between these twin challenges and explore concrete policy measures that can be taken to combat chronic malnutrition in post-crisis settings.
‘Over the edge…’ An online panel discussion on shaping the future of healthcare and education
Capital without Capitalism: A Currency Design Perspective
Theresa O’Donohoe on empowering the disempowered
Theresa attended the Nov 4 workshop held by the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources on the national white policy paper on energy. Overall she found the workshop “a well run event, plenty of interaction with online input as well as those in the room”. But the power of the energy lobby made itself felt too. In her blog she writes “My only hope is that more public participation will dilute the energy lobby willing to capitalise on our planets resources for their own profits while they pollute the land, air and water. It is true that as consumers …