Irish Doctors’ Environmental Association Public Meeting 2014

Venue: Teachers Club, Parnell Sq., Dublin 1 (western side –opposite Rotunda main entrance)

DATE: Sat 1st November 2014

Time: 1400hrs (after AGM)

Topics & Speakers:

Graham Roberts – endocrinologist, Waterford

Sustainable Energy and Potential Adverse Health Effects

Declan Waugh – environmental scientist, Cork

Water fluoridation’s association with asthma – new research

Horst Eger – environmental physician, Germany (Eithne Naylor/Enda Dalton Memorial Lecture)

Electromagnetic Radiation and Smart Meters

Feargal Duff
– International Advisor IDEA/Feasta

The Ecosystems Approach to Environmental Problems

There will be light refreshments provided in mid-afternoon and time for questions and answers after

each session.

Close : 1700hrs

More information at

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