UNIPCC Report presents compelling evidence that economy must be cured of its fossil fuel dependency

In response to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report on the dangers of climate change, the climate group of Feasta points out that binding emissions caps are essential to effective climate change policy and that such caps need to include a mechanism for fairly distributing the funds generated by the sales of emissions permits. Legal action may provide the key to effective climate justice.

Entrepreneurship – the narrative of destructive creation

Entrepreneurs are often assumed to play a heroic role in the economy, with some shades of tragedy. In a second excerpt from his new book Brian Davey argues that the heroism of entrepreneurs may be somewhat exaggerated, whereas the tragedy is probably downplayed. Co-operative approaches to doing business generally prove to be more compatible with the real world.

The 21st century population crash

Chris Nelder’s post on the Smart Planet blog is provocative but largely omits the impact of income and wealth on resource use.