Policy packages (from Sharing for Survival)

We need to cut carbon emissions, and soon. But Nick Bardsley reminds us that any mechanism that we introduce in order to cut them - such as Cap and Share - will have to be accompanied by a number of other measures or it will prove counterproductive. Topics covered in his paper include a proposed substitute for the much-criticised Clean Development Mechanism, the current displacement of food production by biofuels, the relationship between food and energy use, the required shift away from debt-based money and the need for a land value tax.

“The Fair Tax” launch party

“The Fair Tax” was launched by Smart Taxes in Buswells hotel yesterday. Fr Sean Healy introduced the book with a call for general tax reform. He pointed out that Social Justice Ireland has always been a supporter of land value tax. A proposal for a land value tax to fund a citizens income has been floated in a recent European conference held on social justice issues, with which he heartily agrees. He commended the book using the words of economist Colm McCarthy in the preface.