From excellent website that illustrates data so you can quickly get the picture.
Information is Beautiful: Which fish are good to eat?
Over-exploitation. Destructive fishing techniques. Polluting fish farms. How do you know which fish are fine for your fork?
In an age of over-fishing and crashing marine stocks, it’s difficult to keep track of which fish are ethically kosher. Here I’ve pooled and visualized the latest consensus and data from the Marine Conservation Society (PDF), Greenpeace and the SeaFood Watch.
Check the data for yourself here:
As ever, it’s a pretty grim picture. Although there is some good news. Mussels, clams and oysters are all good to eat. Hopefully this visual snapshot will help you enjoy a cleaner conscience and a slap-up dinner of ocean-friendly fish’n’chips.
You can buy an instantly downloadable hi-res PDF of this image for £1.50 ($2.50) from here. (paypal) Print it to put it on your wall or flypost your fishmonger. All profits go to the Marine Conservation Society.
Download a pocket-sized cut-out-and-reference list from my site.
mer O’Siochru is a qualified architect and valuation surveyor. She was a founder of Feasta and served on its executive committee for many years. She is director of EOS Future Design which designs and develops sustainable systems and settlements. She also manages the Feasta-led Smart Tax Network which is funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to develop tax policies in areas related to the environment. She lives in Dublin.