Irish farmland is most expensive: Farmland Prices around the World

As a comparison, Irish farmland prices were €8,647 per acre or $12, 774 per acre  in 2010 calculated by the  Irish Farmers Journal.   Only 41,339 acres or 881 farms were put on the market in 2010;- typical very low annual sales.  So Irish farmland sale price is approximately 30% higher than the highest, New Zealand, on this list, given Irish prices have held over the year 2011.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Comparison of Farmland Prices Around the World

How do farmland prices vary around the globe? I have created the following table by adapting, updating, and adding to a table from the 2011 Wealth Report by Citi Private Bank and Knight Frank Worldwide. Farmland prices are in constant flux, so these are rough estimates, and values vary greatly based upon quality, infrastructure, and water availability within each country and region.

Country: Price per Acre: Land Description: Price change last year: Type of Risk:
New Zealand $9,312 Dairy Farms -3% Economic
England $8,907 Average all land types +13%
United States $6,478 Quality dryland
in cornbelt states
+8% Economic
Argentina $6,072 Buenos Aires Province
Canada $5,100 Ontario province
Brazil $4,858 Top sugar cane land in Sao Paulo +24% Political, Economic
Brazil $2,834 Dryland double-cropping in
Mato Grosso
+20% Political, Economic
Uruguay $2,800-3,600 good farmland, with easy access to the transport system
Brazil $2,429 Dryland double-cropping in
west Bahia
+6% Political, Economic
Argentina $2,024-$4,049 Central provinces +10% Political, Economic
Poland $1,842-$3,289 Price dependent on size of holding 0%
Australia $1,200-2,800 best wheat producing land
Australia $648-$688 Dryland arable with reliable rainfall +2% Economic, Climate
Romania $631-$1,315 Price dependent on size of holding 0%
Canada $526 Saskatchewan province +7%
Argentina $486-$1,012 Northern provinces +10% Political, Economic
Zambia $405-$607 Long Leasehold Political, Climate
Russia $121-$405 Price dependent on size of holding and progress of freehold application -10% Economic, Political
Brazil $121 Native bush with high cattle potential in Para +11% Political, Economic
Ukraine $61-142 5-10 year lease rights 0% Economic, Political, Climate


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