Dan Sullivan – Capturing the value of the commons: Land Value Tax as a community development tool

Dan Sullivan contrasted the experience of Pittsburgh and Cleveland in the present downturn. Cleveland is struggling to stem a complete collapse of its housing market while in Pittsburgh, foreclosure rates are low, home prices are climbing slightly and construction rates are increasing. He attributed the difference to the fact that Pittsburgh has a site value tax and Cleveland does not.

Dan Sullivan is director of Saving Communities and the past secretary of the Council of Georgist Organizations. He led successful efforts to get shifts to land value tax in Pittsburgh, and helped win shifts in other Pennsylvania cities. He has testified at US Congressional subcommittee hearings and at state legislative hearings.

Recorded on day three of The New Emergency Conference: Managing Risk and Building Resilience in a Resource Constrained World. Held on 10-12 June 2009, All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, Ireland.

Full Conference Proceedings
Recordings of all presentations.

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