Submission to Sir Nicholas Stern: Eliminating the Need for Economic Growth

In October, the British Government announced that Sir Nicholas Stern, the head of its Economic Service, had also been appointed its Adviser on the economics of “climate change and development”. Sir Nicholas immediately asked for submissions on, amongst other things, “The implications for energy demand and emissions of the prospects for economic growth over the coming decades.” These submissions had to be in by December 9th. Feasta’s submission sets out many of Feasta’s ideas about why rich-country growth needs to be stopped and how this can be done.

The full text of the submission is included below, or download a …

2005 Feasta Annual Lecture: How To Live Well Without Carbon -Decouple Life Satisfaction from Economic Growth, as well as Economy from the Environment – Roger Levett

Date: Monday November 21 2005 – 7.30 pm
Venue: Davenport Hotel,at Merrion Square,Dublin 2

Our Speaker –

As a partner in Levett-Therivel Sustainabilty Consultants, Roger advises UK government departments, public bodies including regional and local authorities on sustainability policy and tools including indicators, sustainability appraisal, strategic environment assessment and quality of life assessment.

His publications include:

  1. A Better Choice of Choice – a critique of consumer choice as a principle of public policy (Fabian Society 2003)
  2. Leading the way: how local authorities can meet the challenge of climate change (UK Local Government Association 2005). This is a fascinating vision for

Feasta Workshop “Planning for the Future now – Building Sustainable Local Communities” – Roger Levett and Dr Kevin Leyden

Date: Tuesday November 22, 2005, 9.30 am – 2.30 pm
Venue: Mont Clare Hotel, Clare Street, Dublin 2

A workshop for a limited number of participants to share knowledge in securing environmental and social sustainability in local communities. The workshop offered insights into Strategic Plan Development and implementation by City and County Development Boards.…