Notes for the UK Sustainable Development Commission, re Redefining Prosperity

By John Jopling for Feasta, October 2003

This submission argues that the Sustainable Development Commission has thus far tended to emphasise symptoms of global problems rather than their root causes. In particular, it argues that the SDC should consider the role played by the global financial system in the world economy, and the link between debt-based money and the pressure on economies to expand indefinitely.

The full text can be found below or downloaded as a PDF version

The re-emergence of the land question in Ireland

Prepared by Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, with the Henry George Foundation

This briefing examines the history of the Irish land question and its re-emergence in recent years, as a background to an international conference: Land: The Claim of the Community which was held at the Tara Towers Hotel, Booterstown, Dublin on 9th and 10th October 2003.…