Cap and Share Documents

You’ve Been Framed

If we all want cars, or to fly, then climate change is all our fault, really, isn't it? Or is it? Perhaps we need to discuss how the issue of climate change is being framed. Laurence and Alison Matthews have written a quick and clever guide to 'framespotting' and Laurence, a long-time member of Feasta's climate group, has provided a short overview of their book.

Press release: Feasta climate group response to the Working Group 3 contribution to the IPCC’s fifth assessment report

We find the latest IPCC report's emphasis on climate as a "global commons problem" helpful and constructive. However, the economy must break its dependency on GDP growth in order to achieve emissions reduction without economic collapse. Fortunately the potential exists for significant co-benefits from climate mitigation, including poverty alleviation and reduced inequality. Grassroots legal action could help give teeth to the international institutions needed for cooperation.

UNIPCC Report presents compelling evidence that economy must be cured of its fossil fuel dependency

In response to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report on the dangers of climate change, the climate group of Feasta points out that binding emissions caps are essential to effective climate change policy and that such caps need to include a mechanism for fairly distributing the funds generated by the sales of emissions permits. Legal action may provide the key to effective climate justice.