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The Barataria Project
In May of 1999 the Feasta committee travelled to Soesterberg in Holland for a conference hosted by the EU funded Barataria project in which Feasta’s Richard Douthwaite acted as consultant.
Barataria is called after the imaginary island of Barataria which Silvio Gesell, the radical 1930s economist and progenitor of the alternative currencies movement, invented in his seminal book Die Wunderinsei. The focus of the project is to devise ways of including local businesses in community exchange networks in order to increase their economic impact in depressed areas.
Feasta members enjoyed presentations from Bernard Lietaer and the four participant projects: the …
1999 Feasta Annual Lecture: Uneconomic Growth in Theory and in Fact – Herman Daly
Date: April 26 1999
Venue: Mother Redcaps, Christ Church, Back Lane, Dublin
Read Transcript of the lecture …
Energy, Money and Growth: February 1999 Conference
A conference on the peaking of oil production, climate change, money and economic growth held at Trinity’s Goldsmith Hall, Pearse Street, Dublin.
On the 19th and 20th of February 1999, Feasta held a conference on the questions raised by Richard Douthwaite in his two new books, the second edition of “The Growth Illusion” and “The Ecology of Money.”
The conference featured speakers James Robertson, Dr. Colin Campbell and Richard Douthwaite, with workshops and panel contributions by Aubrey Meyer (Global Commons Institute, London), Jane King and Professor Malcolm Slesser (Resource Use Institute, Edinburgh), Mary Kelly (IBEC), David O’Kelly (FEASTA), and Serene …
Financing Sustainable Communities
Feasta and IEVIN (the Irish Eco-Village Information Network)
Date: January 8 and April 1 1999
Venue: Enfo, Dublin
Meetings with Triodos, the Credo Fund and the Irish League of Credit Unions, on financing sustainable communities.…
The launch of FEASTA, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability
Date: October 28 1998
Venue: Mother Redcaps, Christ Church, Back Lane, Dublin
[This is the invitation to the launch of Feasta on the 28th October, 1998]
Cad a dheanfaimid feasta gan adhmid, Ta deireadh na gcoilte ar lar
‘What will we do in the future without wood? The end of the forests has come.’
Dear Friend,
You are invited to the launch of FEASTA, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, to take place at 7.30pm on the 28th October 1998 in Mother Redcaps, Christ Church, Back Lane, Dublin. The evening features guest speakers Richard Douthwaite, co-founder of FEASTA, …