Short Circuit

Short Circuit: Strengthening Local Economies in an Unstable World
by Richard Douthwaite. Expanded online edition published June 2003 with updates by Richard Douthwaite, Joanne Elliott and Caroline Whyte.
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The global economy can no longer be relied upon to provide the necessities of life. Even in wealthy countries, the vagaries of free trade and the unimpeded movement of capital pose a threat not just to job security but to food and energy supplies as well.

Short Circuit proposes that each community build an independent local economy capable of supplying the goods and services its people would need should the mainstream economy collapse. It details the financial structures necessary for self-reliance, and it describes the techniques already in use in pioneering communities across the industrialized world. These inculde local currency schemes and community banks that enable local interest rates and credit terms to differ from those in the world economy. Efforts to meet local food and energy requirements using local resources are also reviewed.

Submission to the All Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution Concerning Property Rights

12th June 2003

This is a submission from Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability on the issues of property rights within the Irish constitution.

Download the whole submission in pdf format (44K)

Executive Summary


Change to the Constitution re property rights is not legally necessary for social equity and sustainability. All the powers required reside in the current provisions — if broadly interpreted and fully and fairly utilised. A debate to reinforce important principles and dispel misunderstanding is more necessary that an amendment.

1. Sustainability is an important element of the ‘common good’.

An amendment to …

Oil, Currency and the War in Iraq

It will not come as news to anyone that the US dominates the world economically and militarily. But the exact mechanisms by which American hegemony has been established and maintained are perhaps less well understood than they might be.

Feasta’s submission in November 2002 to Mr. Dermot Ahern, T.D, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources towards a new ‘Statement of Strategy for Energy and Transport’

In a year where the ESB has been rightfully honoured for the Ardnacrusha scheme, which is deemed a milestone in engineering history it is very important that we match the vision of our founding fathers at the beginning of our state. Currently we appear to be following a generic energy policy which could with perhaps the exception of the peat stations be identical to any other developed country. It has nothing to do with Ireland and copies the policies of countries with large existing fossil fuel industries. Ireland is among the few developed countries which are still building its infrastructure …

Local sustainability – the problems, practicalities and possibilities

Presented by
Anne Behan,
Environmental Consultant


Any initiative to promote sustainability must relate to people. People must be able to identify with the theory and practical application of sustainability because its success or failure will ultimately depend on the willingness of people to adopt its principles. It is essential that a true understanding of sustainability is promoted from the outset of any project. It must be presented as an integrated package of economic, environmental and social best practice.…