
reports and studies produced by Feasta or for Feasta

Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production – An Outline Review

The report Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production, by David Korowicz of Feasta and the Risk/Resilience Network, is now available for download. The report argues that the defining dynamic of our civilisation is the withdrawal of energy from a complex and integrated system adapted only to growing. A managed “de-growth” is impossible; what is required is rapid emergency planning coupled with a plan for longer-term adaptation. …

Potential Impacts of a Global Cap and Share Scheme on India

This Report on India was prepared by Anandi Sharan, and follows Jeremy Wakeford’s model on the effects on South Africa that Cap and Share might have if introduced as part of a global climate settlement. Conditions in India are unique, as indeed they are in every country. Some elements of the pilot study, especially the impact on trade, have been shortened, whilst the section on the impact on households is given more prominence. The introduction of Cap and Share would mean that Indian households received a direct payment for their share of each year’s global emission rights. Such payments …

Sustainable Development Evaluation of Road Infrastructure Programmes and Projects

Feasta recently completed a research project for the Irish Environmental Protection Agency to assess the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statements prepared for major road projects in the past and to devise a better assessment system for future projects from a complete sustainability perspective.…

Potential Impacts of a Global Cap and Share Scheme on South Africa

cs_sa_coverThe BRICSA countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are likely to play key roles in deciding the type of climate agreement that follows Kyoto. How likely are they to favour Cap and Share? Feasta intends to produce studies of the effects that Cap and Share might have on each. The pilot study, of the likely effects on South Africa, has just been completed by Jeremy Wakeford of South African New Economics. It will be used as a model for the remaining four reports. …

Cap and Share – A fair way to cut greenhouse emissions

Drastic cuts in the world’s greenhouse gas emissions are required to avoid a climate catastrophe. A worldwide agreement to secure such cuts will be impossible to negotiate unless both the pain and the benefits are shared equitably around the world. Moreover, the sharing system must be robust enough to ensure that the cuts agreed actually happen. Cap & Share is both robust and equitable. It has the additional advantage that, until it is adopted globally, it can be used by individual countries to make sure their emissions take a downward path. This 32 page Feasta booklet explains how C&S could …

Cap and Share: Phase 1; policy options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions Interim Final Report

This 106-page report was commissioned by Comhar, the Irish Sustainable Development Council, from the British consultancy AEA Energy and Environment. It discusses how Cap and Share could be used at a national level to control Ireland’s greenhouse emissions. It is very favourable to Cap and Share and shows that it is superior to a carbon tax. Printed copies are available for €25 postpaid from the Feasta office or can be downloaded here.…