About Emer
Website: http://smarttaxes.org
Emer92da0c has written 95 articles so far, you can find them below.

Land and Money Reform Synergy in New Zealand

This is an intriguing and very innovative concept developed in New Zealand by Deirdre Kent. The paper is very long so I will post only excerpts, the summary and autobiographic details. It links a land value tax with a new local government issued money and with a new medium of land ownership that recalls Chris Cook's Limited Liability partnership model. [...]

Tax – and Spend Better

Wessex Regionalists say .....Talk of plugging loopholes suggests that the tax system requires nothing more than a little fine-tuning. In fact, it could do with a major overhaul. A Land Value Tax to deter speculation and prevent derelict land lying idle, for the first time integrating planning policy, land ownership policy and revenue-raising across the board. [..]

Marshall Auerback Explains (Again) How to Save the Euro..

The proposal is for the ECB to create and then distribute trillions of euros annually to the national governments on a per capita basis. The per capita criterion means that it is neither a targeted bailout nor a reward for bad behavior. In fact, as the largest economy, Germany would get the largest distribution of euros from the ECB. This distribution would immediately adjust national government debt ratios downward, which eases credit fears without triggering additional national government spending. [...]

Viral Speech by George Soros Speech – “the authorities have a three months’ window during which they could still correct their mistakes”

This speech has been causing consternation amongst economists and investors. I suppose it is because Soros is telling the truth of the situation as he sees it stripped of wishful thinking. You will see that Europe is likely to experience an eventful three months at the end of which things will have changed fundamentally - whether for better or worse is impossible to say. I think that Soros smart as he is, may not have spotted a third outcome - that of the recognition of the Euro as a social commons and the ECB as its trustee. [...]