Feasta is Hiring a Project Coordinator

Part-time position: 7 hours per week from March 2025 to end of Dec 2026

Salary: €20 per hour gross; totalling €6020 March-Dec 2025


Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, is launching a new 2-year project on Strengthening Local Food Economies in Ireland, in partnership with Cultivate and Talamh Beo. We are recruiting a part-time project coordinator to help to streamline the work. 

The project’s objectives are to develop and promote policies that support local food producers and enhance the economic viability of local food systems in Ireland, reinforcing their role in the transition to a Sustainable Economy. It will include research into the role that a Universal Basic Income could play in this area, and there will also be a focus on building connections between local food producers and key food supply chain actors, to build their capacity., 

Feasta is a registered charity and has its headquarters at the Ecovillage in Cloughjordan, Country Tipperary. The position being offered is open to residents of the Republic of Ireland (or anyone with an Irish PPS number) and will mainly involve remote working, but with 4-8 in-person meetings and events per year, held in different locations around Ireland. Feasta’s Staff Liaison Group will provide guidance and support. 

This is a varied and dynamic role, and should appeal to those who are passionate about achieving a more resilient and equitable Irish agricultural sector which emphasises food sovereignty, fairness, and a successful ecological transition.

Role Description

The role will include the following tasks:

  • Assist the project team in the development of project management documents such as scope statements, briefings, project schedules, budgets and plans.
  • Schedule and help to facilitate monthly project governance meetings, help with meeting minutes.
  • Participate in and help to facilitate project events. 
  • Coordinate the allocation of project resources to ensure the project team has what is needed at the right time.
  • Foster cross-team collaboration to help project team members complete project tasks and produce deliverables.
  • Help with project management administrative and bookkeeping tasks such as managing invoices, among other financial documents. Liaise with Feasta’s accounts person. 
  • Monitor project progress and provide updates to partners.
  • Compile interim and final reports for the project funders (with support from partners).

Experience required

Essential criteria

  • Project management experience.
  • Track record of collaborating well with others – the chosen candidate will need to liaise with project partners, external collaborators and other stakeholders.
  • Good facilitation and organisation skills, with a view to helping with workshop facilitation.
  • Strong communication skills.

Desirable criteria

  • Familiarity with agro-food policy in Ireland and on the EU level, and with the economic and social dynamics of Irish agriculture.
  • Familiarity with agroecology and the role and potential of local food economies.
  • Familiarity with ecological and wellbeing economic approaches such as doughnut economics, post-growth and degrowth research.
  • Ability to be responsive to fluctuating work demands (to make it easier to attend events and meet report deadlines).


  • Qualification in a project management, communications or relevant field is desirable.

Skills and Abilities

  • Good interpersonal skills, with ability to engage professionally with external and internal colleagues.
  • Skills in meeting organisation and facilitation.
  • Demonstrated ability to prioritise tasks and manage work efficiently to meet tight deadlines. 
  • Attention to detail with a high level of accuracy, recognising the importance of accuracy for reputation.
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently on own initiative while communicating effectively with team members.

Terms & Application Procedure

The role is part-time (7 hours per week). The contract period is from March 1 2025 to December 31st 2026.  The position is open to those living in the Republic of Ireland, or who have an Irish PPS number, with the right to live and work in the EU.

Applicants must be committed to Feasta’s Statement of Ethos and Values

Candidates should note that Feasta complies with the Charity Regulatory Authority regulations and all appropriate Irish company and employment legislation.

The closing date for applications is close of business, February 14th. Please submit your application to admin@feasta.org

All applications will be acknowledged. The selection process will consist of a preliminary interview and, if considered necessary, a second interview. The interviews will be held via video-conference. Late or incomplete applications will not be processed. 

Feasta is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to accommodating the needs of people with disabilities to enable them to participate in the selection process. Please let us know if you have any requirements should you be invited for interview or that you wish us to take into account when considering your application.

To apply, please send a CV and Cover Letter to admin@feasta.org by close of business, February 14th. 

About Feasta

Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, is an ecological economics think tank, founded in 1998 and with members in Ireland and elsewhere. Feasta envisions a safe and just space for humanity within a resilient, healthy global ecosystem. It articulates and promotes the changes needed to make the necessary transition. 

About Cultivate

Cultivate: The Sustainable Ireland Cooperative, is a Cloughjordan-based national NGO and civil society organisation dedicated to advocating for regenerative and resilient communities through training, capacity building, and empowering community-driven initiatives.

About Talamh Beo

Talamh Beo is an Irish grassroots movement of farmers, landworkers, and citizens advocating for Agroecology and Food Sovereignty. It works towards a fairer food system in Ireland, ensuring everyone has access to healthy, nutritious, and affordable local food. As Ireland’s only member of the European Coordination Via Campesina, it is part of La Via Campesina—the global movement representing over 200 million farmers worldwide.

Note: Feasta is a forum for exchanging ideas. By posting on its site Feasta agrees that the ideas expressed by authors are worthy of consideration. However, there is no one ‘Feasta line’. The views of the article do not necessarily represent the views of all Feasta members.