Prejudice, Ignorance and Granfalloons – Society in the Trump Era

Energetic and ecological limits are mostly unknown because they are taboos. It would be great if people found out more about these limits because responding to them seems to me to be the most pressing of all agendas for society. What is more likely however is that the bulk of the population will now pre-occupy themselves with granfalloons instead – and plenty of very educated people will help them. By Brian Davey.

Living in Unpredictable Times

Brian Davey argues that in many aspects of life one can turn a story upside down or reverse cause and effect and it will still be plausible. Moreover, things that don't fit into the prevailing narrative are often downplayed or ignored. The coming bankruptcy of the energy sector is a crisis that mainstream economists will not be able to understand nor to solve. The faith that there will always be a techno fix and that continued growth is the normal state of affairs is likely to remain pervasive for a longest time - despite growing chaos.

Creating More Elbow Room

To mark the fifth anniversary of Feasta co-founder Richard Douthwaite's death, and in light of current world events, we're featuring this chapter from his book Short Circuit, which is perhaps even more relevant today than it was back in 1996. It discusses the pernicious effects of world trade at present and the need to move towards a more human economy, and then describes three new approaches that could be taken.