Sustainable Water Use
A Permaculture Taster: Saturday 15 November 2014
A one day introductory workshop hosted by Davie Philip of Cultivate and Bruce Darrell of Feasta, both based at Cloughjordan Ecovillage. Using an active learning approach this workshop will give an introduction to permaculture design principles and outline how they can be applied to your own life and work.
Poster on fracking and ethics
Money as a Commons
Convergence – Reimagining Cooperatives and the Commons
Cultivate, WeCreate Workspace and the P2P Foundation are delighted to host Open Everything, a series of events that will bring together cooperative advocates, community activists, and commons animators to share perspectives and ideas on the question,“How can a commons-based collaborative economy strengthen the resilience of our communities?”. From September 10th-14th in Dublin, Limerick and Cloughjordan. See for full details. …