You can participate in Feasta associate Mike Sandler’s pop quiz on climate extinction here . It’s well worth a visit for a good laugh, especially if you’re depressed by the political inertia about climate change. …
US Federal Reserve could effectively take the lead…on climate change
It may seem an odd idea, but the incoming chair of the US Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, could conceivably be the person who manages to overcome the international impasse on climate change action. Mike Sandler explains how in the Huffington Post. Among his list of recommendations is the implementation of Cap and Share.…
A fantasy Fed Chair who can save the planet
This Huffington Post article by Mike Sandler mentions many feasta ideas in the context of Obama’s choice for the next U.S. central banker. …
Trillion dollar coin, emissions-backed money and MMT
Mike Sandler has made another post in the Huffington Post on different kinds of money and their relationship to sustainability. He draws on the work of Richard Douthwaite and Graham Barnes among others.…
Three Debate Questions to Break the Climate Silence
Mike Sandler blogs in the Huffington Post on the lack of attention given to climate change so far in the US presidential race, and on ways to rectify this. Read more…
Citizen’s Dividends: Basic Income from your Share of the Commons
Mike Sandler, a member of Feasta’s climate group, writes in the Huffington Post about Cap and Dividend – a variation of Cap and Share – and Dennis Kucinich’s proposal for monetary reform, known as the NEED act. Sandler suggests that income from such measures could be used to fund a citizen’s income. He then points out that such a programme could also be funded by quantatitive easing, at least in the short term. …