About Brent Ranalli

Brent Ranalli is a Feasta trustee based in Massachusetts. He is a former instructor in environmental studies at Boston College, a Research Scholar with the Ronin Institute, and a policy professional at The Cadmus Group, LLC. Brent edits the Thoreau Society Bulletin, and performs living history as Henry David Thoreau.

More of his writings can be found here. His latest book is Common Wealth Dividends: History and Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).

Brent Ranalli has written 5 articles so far, you can find them below.

Environmental Justice and Carbon Pricing

"Environmental Justice advocates argue that current carbon pricing programs place undue burdens of combustion-related diseases on low-income communities and communities of color, and this is true," writes Brent Ranalli, who goes on to propose some potential solutions.

Thomas Paine’s 1797 call for a Basic Income: a new paper tells the full story

"With the Covid-19 crisis, calls for a basic income are gaining new momentum. The U.S., and other countries too, could enjoy the immense society-wide benefit of a Basic Income if they are willing to set aside the sour grapes argument...of not providing a social safety net to out-groups," writes Brent Ranalli.