From Growth to Sufficiency: ‘Cap and Share’ and other policy pathways for justice and climate action

When: 18 Nov 2024, 16:45-18:15
Moderated by: Barbara McCarthy, Climate Journalist

What: Our diverse panel discussed systems that can bring about justice and sustainability in climate policies. The side event paired Feasta, (the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability) with the European Youth Forum and featured Equal Right, the European Economic and Social Committee and Oxfam International.

Promote equitable and just access to resources, addressing imbalances and fostering sustainable resource management across the Global North and South.
Introduce innovative ways of promoting more sustainable and responsible consumption patterns while reducing the negative environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with excessive use of carbon resources.
Test the acceptability of the Cap and Share proposal by the audience. Cap and Share is a collaborative climate strategy between the Global North and South, empowering the Global South to innovate and improve living conditions, while benefiting the Global North through stronger cooperation and financial stability.

Running order:
Moderator: Barbara McCarthy: Introduction to event and introduction of speakers.
Invited Speaker 1: Peter Schmidt (NAT President European Economic and Social Committee).
Invited Speakers 2: Caillum Hedderman (board member European Youth Forum) with Diandra Ni Bhuachalla (EESC youth delegate to COP).
Invited Speaker 3: Patrick Brown (campaigns and operations director Equal Right). Presentation on Cap and Share.
Invited Speaker 4: Zainab Bie (climate justice and public policy, Equal Right)
Invited Speaker 5: Amitabh Behar, Executive Director at Oxfam International. Discussing Carbon Inequality Kills.
Invited Speaker 6: MEP Mohammed Chahim (S&D) (Reactions to discussions).

A video of this event will be available after Dec 15th.

Note: Feasta is a forum for exchanging ideas. By posting on its site Feasta agrees that the ideas expressed by authors are worthy of consideration. However, there is no one ‘Feasta line’. The views of the article do not necessarily represent the views of all Feasta members. 

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